Pictures at an Exhibition
Il vecchio castello
The Old Castle
Balletto dei pulcini nel loro guscio
Ballet of the chickens emerging from their shell
Samuel Goldenberg e Schmuÿle
Limoges, il mercato
The Market Limoges
Catacombe, sepolcro romano
The Catacombs
Con i morti con una lingua morta
La grande porta di Kiev
The Great Gate of Kiev
Mussorgsky – Pictures at an Exhibition
2:03 The Gnome
5:40 The Old Castle
10:27 The Tuileries
11:42 Bydlo (A Polish ox-wagon)
14:49 Ballet of the chickens emerging from their shell
16:16 Samuel Goldenberg and Schmuyle
18:36 The Market Limoges
20:06 The Catacombs
23:46 The Hut of Baba-yaga the Witch
27:12 The Great Gate of Kiev
Orchestrated by Maurice Ravel
film - edit - aprile 2014